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Educational Services

of students in the ESL-Workforce Initiative Program graduate and earn their lifetime certification as Guest Service Professionals to launch their careers in the hospitality industry.
languages spoken in our educational services
students completed our ESL class exceeded statewide results by 59%
number of students helped this year

Helping to educate therefore giving the gift of self-sufficiency.

English Language Instruction

Catholic Charities Atlanta’s English Language classes focus on assisting non-native English speakers master English as an educational and vocational tool.

Free classes are available to all adults. Classes are offered year-round in locations throughout the Atlanta area.

To learn more, please fill out this form and a member of our team will follow up with you about our education programs.

In addition, you can email to get information on upcoming classes.

ESL training

Citizenship Classes

Citizenship classes are for adults who are ready to learn about and/or apply for US citizenship. Topics covered include the naturalization process, U.S. history and government, and the English vocabulary necessary for the citizenship test/interview. Students need to have at least an intermediate level understanding of English to register.

Free classes are available to all adults. Click HERE to register for a class.

Career Services

Catholic Charities Atlanta has a Career Services program that gives students enrolled in our ESL advanced classes help with their future career development through certifications and soft skills training.

Our program offers workshops to assist students with their career goals.

  • Resumes & Cover Letters
  • Interview Techniques & Tips Mock Interviews
  • Soft Skills Training for Interviewing and Employment
  • Job Fairs & Hiring Events
  • College & Career Readiness

Click HERE to receive more information.

ESL training
ESL training

High School Equivalency (HSE)

Our program offers HSE consultations to counsel and guide enrolled students through the lengthy process of obtaining an HSE credential.

We partner with Technical College System of Georgia to enroll you in classes and the exam/test.

Currently, there are 3 ways to obtain an HSE credential in the state of Georgia.

  • GED | General Education Development Test
  • HiSET | | High School Equivalency Test
  • Career Plus HSE Test | Career Plus High l Equivalency

For more information about classes and seminars coming up CLICK HERE

I take classes at Catholic Charities because I want to improve my English. I want to improve my speaking, my reading and my writing. This will help me out in my work and during my entire lifetime. Thank you.

Jacinto from Buford, Ga.