The Council on Accreditation (COA) is an independent, not-for-profit, international accreditor for the full continuum of community-based behavioral health care and social services organizations.
Accreditation provides a framework to manage resources, offer best practices, and strive for continuous improvement. The process involves a detailed review and analysis of both administrative operations, including financial practices, and its service delivery practices.
All areas are measured against standards designed to promote an organization’s capacity to fulfill its mission. These standards emphasize services that are:
- accessible
- appropriate
- based in the community
- coordinated
- child and family-focused
- culturally competent
- supported by evidence
- individualized
- outcomes-oriented
- provided by a skilled and supported workforce
- respectful of individual rights
- strengths-based
- supportive of partnerships
Standards must also ensure that the agency:
- treats all people with dignity
- involves family and provider collaboration
- addresses child and family outcomes
Accreditation is driven by quality improvement; a commitment to advance organizational capacity, excellence, and outcomes. Because COA reviews and accredits the entire organization, there is confidence in the integrity and achievement of the entire organization.
Catholic Charities Atlanta received its first accreditation from the COA January of 2005. It is effective for four years, and all organizations must certify annually between reaccreditation reviews. By maintaining a rigorous internal performance and quality improvement system that includes feedback from the individuals we serve, stakeholders, and community partners, we have maintained accreditation to date.
Our credibility, efficiency and effectiveness, give you the confidence you need to support our work and programs.