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Parish Partnerships

Strengthening parish ministries by partnering with Catholic Charities Atlanta.

Parish Partnerships

Every day, Catholic Charities helps address the effects of poverty in our community. We help the most vulnerable move toward a life of independence and self-sufficiency. If we can’t help, we know who can. With 8 core services and 20+ programs, we help more than 18,000 Georgians annually.

As Catholics, we are called to follow the social teaching of the Church:

  • Life and Dignity of the Human Person
  • Call to Family, Community, and Participation
  • Rights and Responsibilities
  • Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
  • The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
  • Solidarity
  • Care for God’s Creation

We welcome your parish ministries, RCIA groups, youth groups and individuals to serve out your faith through education, direct service and acts of charity through Catholic Charities Atlanta.

Want to know more about how we impact North Georgia?

Host a casual and compelling thirty-minute program at a ministry meeting!  Our Faces of Hope tours provide insights into the plights of those in need. Whether it is the person facing homelessness, the veteran returning home or the refugee learning to live in their new country—you will be given an up close look into our clients and learn how we assist them through a hand up-not a hand out philosophy.

For more information contact Michele Langevin at


Laundry Kits

Take a plastic laundry basket and add laundry detergent, fabric softener, dryer sheets, stain remover spray

Bedding Kits

For a double bed: 1 full sheet set, 1 full size blanket, 1 full size comforter, 2 pillows. For a single bed:1 single sheet set, 1 single size blanket, 1 single size comforter, 1 pillow

Kitchen Kits

Take a kitchen trash can, then ADD: 2 cooking pots, 1 large stew pot w/cover, 1 frying pan,
1 can opener, 1 paring knife, 1 carving knife, 1 spatula, 1 cooking spoon, 1 mixing bow, 1 stove top tea kettle, 2 pot holders, 2 dish towels, 2 dish cloths, 1 dish soap, 1 package of tall garbage bags

Personal Care Kits

Toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, bar-soap, disposable razors, shaving cream, nail clippers, tweezers, feminine hygiene products

Kitchen Kits

Take a kitchen trash can, then ADD: 2 cooking pots, 1 large stew pot w/cover, 1 frying pan,
1 can opener, 1 paring knife, 1 carving knife, 1 spatula, 1 cooking spoon, 1 mixing bow, 1 stove top tea kettle, 2 pot holders, 2 dish towels, 2 dish cloths, 1 dish soap, 1 package of tall garbage bags

Cleaning Kits

Take a bucket, then ADD: 1 broom & 1 dustpan, 1 package of sponges, 1 scrub brush,
1 bottle of white vinegar, 1 non-toxic soap, 1 baking soda, 1 package of papertowels


Diaper Drives

Diapers from newborn to size 5, baby wipes, baby wash, diaper cream

Food Drives

Food Drive
Health-conscious, not expired, unopened, non perishable, peanut butter, jelly, oatmeal, canned fruit, canned vegetables, canned tuna, soups, rice, pasta, tomatoe sauce, olive oil, dried fruits, granola bars, dried spices, beans

Coat Drives

All ages, male/female- winter coats, hats, gloves, scarves, socks, lap blankets.

Book Drives

Dictionaries, Spanish to English dictionaries, books for children, teens- educational and stories.
CCA Team photo outside storage unit.

Faces of Hope Presentation

We bring Catholic Charities Atlanta to your Parish.   This program educates individuals about the issues that Catholic Charities clients are facing and highlights how participants can invest time and talent to assist Catholic Charities in achieving its mission to improve lives in our community.

For more information contact Michele Langevin at

Family Friend Program

Support Teams are volunteer groups within the Family Friend Program paired with a refugee family placed in the Atlanta community.  As a group, Support Teams provide essential social, cultural and educational support to assist in the healthy and positive integration of the family into thier new home and ease their movement to greater self-sufficiency and citizenship.

For more information contact Christie Crane at

afterschool program

Welcome Home Project

Includes furnishing a whole apartment for a refugee family who lived in a refugee camp and was forced to flee their home. Includes toolbox kits, kitchen kits, bedding kits, kitchen table/chairs, beds, couch, end tables, kitchen appliances and more.

For more information contact Christie Crane at