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Refugee Services

services provided to individuals last year
of our refugee clients were self-sufficient within 8 months of arrival in the U.S.
of students participating in the after school program showed improved academic performance

Welcoming New Americans and helping them integrate and thrive in their new home.

Refugee Services

Catholic Charities Atlanta Refugee Services has a long history of welcoming our new neighbors. We work alongside and support clients throughout their journey and provide newly arrived individuals and families with services and opportunities to achieve their full potential here in the United States.

Refugee Infographic

Initial Resettlement

Refugee Services are for refugee families who have gone through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) process and have an approved application for U.S. resettlement with United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

There are many steps between USCIS approving an application and a family receiving refugee services. USCIS must approve the application, and then the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) assigns a case. Not until then are they booked for travel. Once we receive word that their travel has been booked, that kickstarts our CCA service provision.

The extensive resettlement services are designed to help refugees achieve economic and social self-sufficiency within their first nine months in the United States.

Catholic Charities resettles a multitude of refugees each year and provides case management to each new arrival.

Resettlement Services Include:

We provide case management for up to 8 months with a goal of making an individual self-sufficient.

  • Airport pick-up upon arrival to Atlanta
  • Housing and necessary furnishings
  • Culturally appropriate grocery items & a ready-to-eat meal upon arrival
  • Assistance to access health care
  • Assistance & education to access public transportation
  • Assistance to obtain a Social Security card and other forms of personal identification necessary in the United States
  • Assistance to enroll in English language classes
  • Assistance to enroll children into K-12 education
  • Job orientation and connection with meaningful employment opportunities
  • Orientation to U.S. laws and customs


A program based on assisting refugee clients gain economic independence through employment, vocational training, skills recertification and development as well as maintaining employment, within their first months here in the United States and ongoing support for up to 5 years from the date of arrival.

Employment Services

  • Job readiness and orientation to the U.S. workforce
  • Assistance to obtain employment
  • Support in searching for higher paying jobs
  • Workshops to further knowledge and skills for the workplace

Supportive Services

CCA offers supportive services in our Social Adjustment Program to clients to address a broad range of needs beyond employment and English language instruction in order for individuals to successfully integrate into their communities. We will help address barriers to health services, emergency services, cultural adjustment, and orientation as well as assistance with federal and state benefits.

Any refugee can receive Social Adjustment services for up to five years from their arrival date, and ongoing support from our Information and Referral Program, which is not time-limited.

Refugee Services

Family Reunification

Safe Passages for Unaccompanied Children program services are provided in-home and are designed to ensure that children are released into a safe environment while they are in legal immigration removal proceedings. Home studies are provided for children identified as most vulnerable prior to discharge from temporary childcare homes run by the Office of Refugee Resettlement, and post-release services ensure that children have access to educational, health and mental health care, and legal services.

Catholic Charities Atlanta’s Holistic Approach to Services Helps a Family Heal and Recover

Santo’s Success Story……

Catholic Charities Atlanta (CCA) helped a youth and his mother in crisis through a holistic approach to critical skills and support the family needed.  CCA’s staff worked tirelessly to help the family escape from abuse and move to a safer living situation.  Staff found donations that helped the family furnish their new apartment and connected them with public benefits that provided food security and other essential needs.  A CCA mental health counselor is helping the youth through his trauma with regular counseling sessions.

“We have seen the family progress and stabilize. They are hopeful about the future and have expressed overwhelming gratitude for the support CCA has provided.” Hannah Whyte, Manager Family Reunification

Families in crisis are addressing multiple issues at a time.   At Catholic Charities Atlanta, we know that it takes a holistic case management approach to help families break the cycle of abuse or poverty to become more self-sufficient.  CCA staff work across our programs and partner with other nonprofits to give families the resources they need to become independent and successful.

This has been a complex case, but with the collaboration of CCA’s holistic approach of getting families and individuals to achieve self sufficiency, we have seen the family progress and stabilize. Santos and his mother have expressed overwhelming gratitude for all the services provided.

After School Program

Our goal is to help refugee parents and youth navigate American schools and help parents become more involved in their children’s education. Services are focused on newly arrived refugee parents and 3-4th grade school-aged youth.

Read the Georgia Bulletin story on our CCA after school program

Services Include:

After school tutoring and educational support. If you are interested in being a tutor from October to May, email

  • After school programming four days a week to assist with homework, English language learning, and acclimation to life in America
  • Orientation to the American school system for youth and their parents
  • Enrichment activities (field trips)
  • Transportation, interpretation and translation for any school-related event
  • Support for families of children referred by school staff

After School Highlights

• 100% of children enrolled in ASP exceed DHS attendance requirements of 85%
• 172 Parent support Services provided
• 74% of children receiving Super You Orientation improve their score.
• Literacy – 58% of students improve their score or remain the same.
• Oral –77% of students improve their score or remain the same.
• Reading – 90% of students improve their score or remain the same. 71% of students improve at least 1 reading level.
• 100% of students have an attendance rate of 90% or more.

Youth Mentoring

Mentors are matched one-to-one with refugee youth between the ages of 9 and 17. Mentors will act as self-esteem boosters, tutors, role-models, and friends and assist and encourage refugee youth as they develop their skills and talents.

Mentors and mentees  meet 4 hours per months for 1 year and spend time together doing homework or doing activities in the community.

If you are interested in being a youth mentor, email

Mentor Eligibility:

  • 21+years of age
  • Willing to meet at least 4 hours a month
  • Willing to complete a background check and training

How You Can Help

At Catholic Charities Atlanta, we strive to serve each individual with compassion, integrity, and respect. Some of the best ways to partner with us is to join us by volunteering with our programs! Volunteer by emailing us at Another great way to continue supporting our families is by purchasing from our Amazon wish list from the list of regularly needed items below, or donating through our Make a Gift page. All items will go directly to newly arrived clients to help them start their new lives here in the United States. Thank you so much for joining us in welcoming and supporting newly arrived refugees, asylees, and special immigrant visa-holders.

Regularly Needed Essential Items:

  • Toiletries: toothpaste, shampoo, razor blades, feminine products
  • Cleaning items: wipes, laundry detergent, toilet paper
  • Household items: dish sets, cooking utensils, pots and pans
  • Gift cards: Visa, Walmart, Target, gas
  • Clothing: Winter coats for various ages, sizes, and genders
Learn more about our Welcome Home ProjectUse the QR code or click here to go to the wishlist

Whatever your position was in your country when you come here, you have to start again at zero. It’s a challenge but just like when you walk up the stairs. You don’t just jump on the stairs. Life is hard, it is not easy but you have to work. I started work at Wal-Mart about 2 months after coming here. I worked in the beginning as a worker/ stocker, then I worked as the department manager after 3 months and also the support manager, and right now I am one of the assistant managers. Catholic Charities gave me a lot of opportunities and have advised me and provided me with all the details I need.

SaadStone Mountain, Ga.